Ecommerce is booming and brands are establishing themselves as leaders in the industry on the back of their online sales without a prior brick and mortar store.
Not all eCommerce stores are successful however, and here are five reasons why:
Irrelevant photos of Gold Coast
There is no denying the Gold Coast is a beautiful spot and being proud of where you are from is awesome. When it comes to your eCommerce store however, having photos of the Gold Coast will detract from your product. Keep any photos relevant to your brand.
Bad Quality Photos
If you’re transitioning your brick and mortar store into a online store you cannot get away with snapping a photo on your phone of each item and slapping it up on your site. The photos will look bad with various backgrounds, possible blurring and lots of shadows, all taking away from the quality of your products.
If you’re using a supplier, ask them for stock photos and if you have all the stock and would prefer to have images consistent with your brand, hire a professional photographer for a day to take quality photos.
Bad Copywriting
Imagine if TV ads had random employers talking about the latest sales? It would be horrible in most cases, which is why they use professional actors. The same goes with the text on your eCommerce store. If you are writing the product descriptions yourself, do not list generic text about the product — no one wants to buy boring products where they don�t know what benefits the product is going to provide them, or what problem it’s going to solve for them.
Hire a copywriter to put the finesse on your words.
Not Making It Easy To Checkout
Ecommerce makes life easier, which is one of the main reasons people tend to buy online. Do not make the process of choosing an item a person wants to buy and then making the purchase process difficult.
Do not make them sign up with an account or click more than two buttons before they need to insert their credit card details. This will lead to lost sales.
No Brand Identity
Are you starting your eCommerce store from scratch? Your brand will not be established like many of your competitors. If you have no professional looking logo, no about page that lets people get to know you and your company, or any testimonials from previous customers, how are people supposed to trust you?
Testimonials can be garnered by sending out free samples, a copywriter can make your about page sound geneuine and informative, and by inserting authorised credit card logos and authentic business icons, you are instantly making customers feel better about buying from you.
Ecommerce sales are increasing fast in Australia and more stores are popping up online every day. Gold Coast eCommerce stores are able to compete with stores all around the world.
Remember to focus on a high quality store and attention to detail. If you are having trouble with your eCommerce store setup, contact Alinga, we are experts in eCommerce.