At the heart of any ecommerce site is the need for a well functioning checkout system. Without this you wouldn�t be able to sell your products to those consumers that want them. The checkout process needs to be smooth and easy-to-follow in order for you to convert users from simply browsing your products, to actually entering their details and purchasing. It is this conversion that is crucial to the success of any ecommerce site.
There are a wide variety of options available for your checkout, many with very similar functions. Most of these functions will be fairly basic, but it is important to keep in mind that having a well designed checkout is incredibly important for the entire purchasing process.
You need to consider the following tips for improving your checkout conversions, not just when you�re choosing your checkout option but also when it is being implemented.
Improving your checkout conversion rate
Look at how you�re displaying your prices. The concept of �loss aversion� is important to the checkout process. This principle says that people are more likely to avoid purchasing something rather than part with their money in order to purchase it. This can be a very strong psychological factor when it comes to customers purchasing your products. A big part of this is how the price is displayed on your site. Some studies have suggested that it is best to keep the prices small in your checkout, so that it does not become front of mind for your customer, as this is likely to trigger their loss aversion.
Keep it simple. As with most of the design process for a website, the most important thing to keep in mind is that if your checkout process is difficult or involves the customer entering too much information, the chances of them abandoning their cart are significantly increased. So always design your checkout to be easy to navigate and limit the amount of information the customer has to enter.
Offer multiple payment options. Not every customer is going to want to pay you the same way. Some will like credit cards, other will want to use direct deposit. There are so many payment options available in today�s world that it is important to offer as many as possible, including PayPal. Not offering a customer’s preferred payment option may result in them choosing to go elsewhere.
For a great ecommerce website and online marketing solution, head over to Alinga Web Designs and check out our portfolio. Like what you see? Contact us and one of our friendly staff will be more than happy to help you.