More and more people are using mobile devices to search the web and buy products. It�s not an exaggeration to say that the world is going mobile, and at Alinga, we provide options for Gold Coast mobile apps.
We can help you and your business to become part of this exciting market.
Before you start, consider these seven important things to avoid when developing a mobile app:
1. Don�t Start Without A Flow Map
A logical navigational structure will make or break your app. So it�s worth your time to create a flow map to clearly show the user flow; lay out exactly where the user will be taken to, based on the choices they make inside the app. Only then should you get down to the nitty-gritty of designs and wireframes.
2. Don�t Design For Just One Resolution
Mobile and tablet screens come in all different shapes and sizes. There are a number of common screen resolutions to choose from and your app needs to be scalable for all of them. We�d suggest starting with the highest resolution (such as retina display for iOS) and scaling down from there.
3. Don�t Forget The Width Of A Finger
The average index finger is between 1.6mm and 2mm wide. Forget this and you may pack too many buttons onto the screen. Focus on fewer buttons, which are bigger and with spaces between. Allow the user to drill down more rather than trying to fit too much on one screen.
4. Don�t Attempt To Design For All Operating Systems At Once
There are design differences between the big three mobile operating system�s (iOS, Android and Windows Phone) and you need to be careful when converting between them. We strive to strike a balance between maintaining a core design for your company, whilst also fitting the app to the respective OS.
5. Don�t Forget A Loading Screen
If you forget a loading screen, users might assume your app is broken or too slow to use. So taking the time to design a loading screen with an indicator or animation will allow your users to confirm that the app is in fact working properly when first �loading�.
6. Don�t Indulge In Flashy Intro Animations
Although a loading screen animation is a good idea, flashy intro animations are a big no. Keep it simple, use a still image as the app loads, before seamlessly transitioning into a short animation. The reason for this is that the animation can�t actually play until the app has loaded, so you end up delaying access to the app for the user.
7. Don�t Forget To Test Before Release
Last but not least it is crucial to thoroughly test your mobile app before release. We�d recommend one of two methods. A beta group of trusted people, preferably a mix of experienced designers and potential users, should be hired to test run the app.
A cheaper alternative is to advertise for a focus group. Target students who would be willing to come to your offices to play around with a pre-release version of your app in exchange for free pizza and a few beverages.
Whatever your business is, follow these steps when developing a mobile app to avoid common pitfalls. If you�re in the Gold Coast area, consider working with us as a local firm who can help you to maximise the connection between you and your customers.