You might be quite surprised when reviewing your Google Analytics and finding out how many ‘mobile browser’ visits you receive each week. While our W3c compliant websites can be accessed via smartphones, designing a dedicated mobile / tablet website maybe the best investment and business asset your business can have!
By the end of 2011 90% of new phones will have mobile Internet functionality and with over 5.3 billion mobile subscribers have you considered how mobile friendly is your website?
These mobile subscribers are looking at your website with their mobile phone, and the experience isn’t always enjoyable.
A growing trend amongst the bigger companies is to develop a unique website just for mobile phone. You’ll be quite surprised when reviewing Google Analytics and finding out how many ‘mobile browser’ visits you have.
Take a look at the following website analytics
Have you looked at your website analytics lately?
Receiving a large percentage of your website traffic from iPhones / iPads is fantastic… Only if you are prepared for it.
Can your visitor quickly and easily access the information they need?
Do they become a new lead or do they leave?
Developing a dedicated mobile site maybe the best investment your business can have!
So what about an app, shouldn’t i just develop one of those?
Developing iPhone / Android apps costs more money than you think, you want to make sure it’s going to work for you financially or as a great branding strategy to a mass audience. They are fantastic but limited. This is why a Huge number of global brands have now developed their own dedicated mobile site.
Would a local council need its own app? Probably yes, it would be a good service. Should they have their own dedicated mobile site… 100% yes.
Mobile websites can look and even operate like a custom developed app using new coding technologies.
At Alinga we can provide you with mobile websites and mobile applications