When internet lady�s fashion retailers Louiselane approached eCommerce website specialists Alinga for a full website solution,it was a partnership that few could emulate.
�After we realised that this was the perfect application for our Magento eCommerce web solution experience,� Rebecca, Louiselaine recalls, �the rest seemed to click into place perfectly.�
Gold Coast, Queensland 15th September
Magento software provided the Brisbane eCommerce specialists with the perfect platform for the seamless online retail experience that Louiselaine had been demanding. �Our new high end Fashion eCommerce site is absolutely fantastic,� ,� Rebecca, Louiselaineadds. �Our shopper�s experiences are definitely resulting in more time spent online, and higher conversion rates too.�
Every week, web and communication strategy consultants Alinga seem to add more testimonials from satisfied customers to their website. Every one of these endorsements attests to the Brisbane web design specialist�s down-to-earth practical approach, combined with their ability to get everything right first time.
The Louis Laine Fashion eCommerce website opens with a spectacular set of stunning photographs featuring the height of current lady�s fashions by designers AJE, Elizabeth and James Textile, Shakuhachi, Steele, Viktoria & Woods, and White Suede. A single click takes the shopper instantly to the What�s New page, following which they can browse by clothing type, or take in the latest special offers on the Sale page.
�This is exactly what I had in mind,�,� Rebecca, Louiselaine confirms delightedly. �We didn�t just get a full Magento eCommerce Web Solution with complete online marketing capability. We also got a web and communication strategy that enables us to optimise our custom mobile website development opportunities too.�
�I�m personally very satisfied with the results we achieved on this one,� �Our Brisbane eCommerce Team have been hoping for a Magento opportunity combined with a client of the imaginative calibre of Louise Laine for some time now. We believe the results are there for all to see�.
Alinga eCommerce Website builders have been satisfying local demand from their Southport offices for over 7 years. They retain their competitive edge by recruiting the world�s finest developers on a contract basis. This enables them to offer a reasonably-priced, superlative Brisbane web design service that includes everything an innovative internet trader might require.